communicatively different.
Human network is no conventional communication agency.
We link different skills so that something outstanding can develop.
cumminicatively different.
Human network is no conventional communication agency.
We link different skills so that something outstanding can develop.
cumminicatively different.
Human network is no conventional communication agency.
We link different skills so that something outstanding can develop.
What we do
An audience is no target you hit accidentally.
In times of increasing digitalization the strongest (most important) form of communication still remains the direct contact. This is our attitude. We show stages and platforms where companies and institutions can develop emotional power. And connect people who have more connecting factors than they have thought of so far. We give them stories which correspond to them.
Storytelling follows storymaking
Which do not only touch people but which people, above all, will believe. And we join you with others so that more things can develop which have a positive effect.

When we had the idea to combine all our knowledge we used the code name „space cowboys“.
How we do it
Ideas, content, initiative
No conventional agency but a company for ideas, content, initiative. We stand for the extraordinary, the new, the impulse. We work communicatively, strategically, creatively. Sometimes

The right questions.
And: question the right ones.
we are only interpreters of what you really want to say. It is about concepts, possibilities, and partnerships.
And quality, of course.
人际网络体现了优秀网络的独特之处-拥有超过 100 年的企业家精神,营销和传播经验。我们代表在视线水平上的卓越,代表无法复制的集中知识。 在家斯图加特,但有远见。
我们已经为多个欧洲全球品牌提供服务的经验:安联,AMG,奥迪,巴斯夫,宾利,宝马,博世,德意志联邦印刷厂,德意志银行,哈尼尔,毕马威,利德,玛莎拉蒂,梅赛德斯,保时捷,PSA 集团, 罗氏,斯柯达,USM,福伊特,福威克,温特霍尔,蔡司。

Old wise/white men. Should you be discriminated against due to the color of your hair?
The Networker
Manfred Boschatzke does not appreciate anything more than personal contact. A convinced networker. With this gift, his curiosity and many brilliant ideas he has made a career at Allianz – from his commercial apprenticeship through to becoming the manager in marketing and sponsoring questions of Allianz.

„Ideas, content, initiative.“
Behind everything he launches and further develops there must be a credible and trustworthy story. Also as managing partner at Human Network he is inexorable in this respect.

The Content Nomad
Elmar Brümmer in his job as a journalist travels around the world twice a year, mostly with Formula 1. Naturally the creativity is faster than you think. Therefore he thinks bigger, not only in stories for newspapers and magazines. But what he likes most is to develop himself.
Namely rather successful as an entrepreneur
„Only those who experience stories can make them possible.“
and Creative Director in the corporate and content marketing section magazines, books, films, digital platforms.
As a partner at Human Network he uses exactly these skills: thinking with regards to content, developing creative concepts, keeping an eye on projects.
The Entrepreneur
Jürgen Schlensog is the born entrepreneur, decisive and always in forward motion. A financial expert with a lot of interests and his own companies in various fields. Additionally, Schlensog makes his passion a profession:
„Bad experiences you can make somewhere else more than enough.“
He ist he head of the jazzopen Stuttgart. As managing partner he contributes to Human Network by using his personal connections with economy, culture, and sports.
And a great deal of experience.

The Interpreter
Reiner Schloz considers nothing human alien to him. Even when he was a sports journalist he was more interested in people, reactions and relations than in the action on the pitch. That is how one can gather experience. Being an entrepreneur in the field of corporate and content marketing he has therefore seen himself as an interpreter:
„A hashtag is still no content“
between customers and the target groups out there who show an interest and shall understand. As a partner at Human Network he takes this part again. So that everything developed here will have the desired effect.
How to network
We know how things work. How can we help?
The only thing we expect is that you are willing to check your ideas and, if necessary, throw them overboard. If it is about (questions like) positive perception, inside view, communication with customers and staff, self-conception, or the interaction of sympathy and permanent success.
Have doors opened and ways shown you still do not see – in the midst of your daily work.

德国-厄瓜多尔人戴安娜·穆勒波获科茨Diana Müller Bohórquez是我们网络的汇流点。 她出生于德国,在厄瓜多尔的首都基多生活了很多年。 她在那里学习和教授爵士歌唱,包括在纽约的一个学期。 在荷兰,她以硕士学位加冕。 实际上,爵士乐节吸引了她到斯图加特。 现在,她还负责Human Network人际网络的良好声音。
电话: +49 711 252782
邮件: connect@human-network.eu

Human Network GmbH
Stay curious.
Mörikestrasse 20
70178 Stuttgart
0049 711 252782