Stay curious.


Manfred Boschatzke

Our networker and managing partner at Human Network is permanently tracking clients' wishes and emotions. The experience he has gained in more than three decades of marketing, communication and sponsoring work determine his actions and the way he deals with clients and partners.

  • Grown up in the household of an Allianz agent and therefore already surrounded by Allianz clients from his early days. There was no escape: commercial apprenticeship with Alliance, job in the administration of the insurance company as a preparation to take over the agency – but things turned out differently.
  • At the age of 26 change to the marketing department of Allianz Lebensversicherungs AG in the headquarters in Stuttgart. That meant: writing texts, making brochures and advertising campaigns. The whole marketeer program.
  • Then in 1988 – a year before the wall dropped and during a high interest phase in the capital markets – change to Allianz Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH. The following 14 years helping to establish the new key business segment “Asset Management“ and learning to market and sell mutual and special funds.
  • Many different, instructive and direct contacts with private and company clients, institutional investors, foundations, associations, sales organisations and, of course, Allianz agents.
  • The functions, the companies and the time spent with Allianz in Munich – altogether 15 years – became more and more: Managing Director of Allianz Vermögensmanagement GmbH, chief representative in the board of Allianz Vermögensbank AG, Marketing Director of Allianz Asset Management GmbH.
  • At the beginning of the millenium - being responsible for marketing for Allianz Asset Management - he also managed the sponsoring partnership with FC Bayern München.
  • As Director Sponsoring of Allianz Deutschland GmbH in Munich he is still intensifying partnerships in the fields of sports, arts, and culture. Apart from FC Bayern München, he takes care of VfB Stuttgart, the foundation “Deutsche Sporthilfe“, the women's volleyball team Allianz MTV Stuttgart, the “Deutschen Behinderten Sportbund“ (Altern.: the German Sports Association for Handicapped People) together with Paralympics, the jazzopen Stuttgart, the “Pinakothek der Moderne“ in Munich, the Art Museum Stuttgart.
  • His lessons I: Authentic and emotional interaction between companies and their customers is an essential prerequisite for their customers' trust and readiness to further recommend a company and its performance to others.
  • His lessons II: Especially companies whose products and services offer only little emotionality can profit from partnerships in the fields of sports, arts and culture and the emotional encounters involved.
  • His lessons III: Even in times of digital change, personal, emotional and confidence-building interaction with customers will become increasingly important. Digital processes for the customers are compulsory, personal interaction with the customers is the “free style“.
  • His lessons IV: Even as a member of the board of the “Friends of the VfB Stuttgart“, football is not everything to him. He has developed a passion for arts and music, he watches the women's volleyball team of Allianz MTV Stuttgart with excitement – and meanwhile has turned into a confessed and enthusiastic golfer.

Human Network GmbH
Stay curious.
Mörikestraße 20
70178 Stuttgart
0049 711 252782