Jürgen Schlensog
Our entrepreneur and managing partner at Human Network got already bored at the age of 24. He founded his first company. Since then he has been dedicated to entrepreneurship.
- Economic apprenticeship, combined vocational and degree program at Alliance, founder of an industrial broker company called ATS. Then things started to move.
- Clients from industrial SME (small and middle-sized enterprise) ranging from bus- to yoghurt producers. Establishing three German branch offices. Foundation of an international network of similar companies. Competition with the most renowned companies in this industry.
- His credo: trust someone and he will trust you. International business connections turned into friendships that deeply influenced him. Since then (he has been) a convinced European.Schlensog wurde damit zum Geschäftsführer und Industrie – Chef AON Deutschland. Nach drei Jahren wurde es ihm mal wieder zu ruhig. Es gab noch viel zu entdecken.
- At the age of 46 he got an offer he could not reject. ATS got integrated into AON. So Schlensog became Managing Director and CEO oft the industrial sector of AON Germany. Three years later he got bored again. A lot had still to be discovered.
- For example his artistic side. Being an enthusiastic jazz fan he took over OPUS GmbH and together with it the jazzopen festival in Stuttgart. That jazz has never been limited in itself but that it has been the basis for many popular music genres was not accepted by everybody in the beginning. Today this concept is the DNA of the success of the jazzopen. With an audience of 50.000 per year and meanwhile two LEAs (Live Entertainment Award) the jazzopen are amongst the most successful music festivals in Europe.
- His experience of the early days in a totally different field helps him enormously: with Daimler, Mastercard, Stihl and many others Schlensog got sponsors of the festival who constitute the financial basis. He knows what managers think even if it is about culture.
- In 2009 he began to miss financial industry. So meanwhile he has become managing partner of BW ALBATROSS INVEST, a consulting company for Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Finance.
- With the foundation of Human Network it is varied (colourful) enough now. Once VfB Stuttgart has got promotion to 1. Bundesliga again, the only thing that will still be missing is being on a par with FC Barcelona. Schlensog is the chairman of Friends of VfB Stuttgart e.V. and a member oft he world-famous Catalan club.

Human Network GmbH
Stay curious.
Mörikestrasse 20
70178 Stuttgart
0049 711 252782